Technical director of APIA, she is currently responsible for nursery and kindergarten. She has worked with the school for five years.
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Sofia Machado Rosa, mother of 4 children, master in Educational Supervision by the Superior School João de Deus, where she also graduated initially as a teacher of the 1st cycle of Basic Education.
During 15 years, she devoted herself mainly to teaching the first cycle of basic education, passing through different educational institutions, where she had the privilege of interacting in different realities and with different pedagogical models.
Part of her professional activity is to provide educational consulting services in the areas of supervision, planning and management instruments.
In addition, she is also a trainer in the area of educational sciences, registered in the scientific-pedagogical council, and is able to teach reading promotion and mediation, new spelling agreement, parental involvement in education, parent meetings promotion, among many others.
The implementation of a library in a school organization and the dynamization of “Balls of Reading” program, which had a high impact in the broader school community, was one of the several projects that Sofia has been developed over the years.
At the present time, and as part of her involvement in the local community, she is an active member of a Parent Association of a public school, where she maintains a partnership with the managing bodies of the Restelo group.
Part of her training is closely linked to being a member of Shoenstatt Apostolic Movement, a movement of catholic couples who aspire to a path of holiness through the family, according to the ideal of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Perhaps for this reason she believes that the pedagogy of love is the broad road that leads the process of learning and development of the child.
A educadora Maria João e a educadora Ana Vieira integraram o curso ”Bússolas na Creche do século XXI”.
Um artigo que nos transporta para o interior, para a reflexão sobre o papel das pessoas ao serviço da educação.
Quando uma comunidade científico-pedagógica se junta e abre ao público uma reflexão sobre educação.
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