The yellow room is for the age group of one year and it comprises 12 children. It is an enchancer and a stimulating area, which aims to create multiple opportunities for learning and development.
It has an area strictly dedicated to hygiene-related moments of each child.
The flexibility of the environment is considered a relevant factor in responding to the changing interests of children, promoting choices that make them gain a sense of control over their immediate world.
In the yellow room first steps are experienced, as well as the observation and exploration of the surrounding context. There are many discoveries, achievements and acquisitions mediated according to the needs and requests of children.
"When I was born I had never seen anything. When I was born it was all new. Everything to debut ".
Isabel Minhós Martins
Rita Oliveira
Fernanda Matos
Dália Roseiro
A educadora Maria João e a educadora Ana Vieira integraram o curso ”Bússolas na Creche do século XXI”.
Um artigo que nos transporta para o interior, para a reflexão sobre o papel das pessoas ao serviço da educação.
Quando uma comunidade científico-pedagógica se junta e abre ao público uma reflexão sobre educação.
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Entidade Reguladora: Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Centro Distrital de Lisboa UDS/NRS – Unidade de Desenvolvimento Social/Núcleo de Respostas Sociais Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 175 1069-451 Lisboa
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