
In this area you can find the menus for each week.
The menus are made at school every day and are prepared by our nutritionist, Drª. Dália Santos (Order No: 1345 N), according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

WEEK | 03 to 07 April
DOWNLOAD THE KINDERGATEN MENU (click the image below)

WEEK | 03 to 07 April
DOWNLOAD THE PRESCHOOL MENU (click the image below)

Menu subject to specific changes.
The vegetables, meat or fish may be altered, according to the market availability.
Fruits and vegetables of the season are used.
A piece of fruit will be given as a complement in the middle of the morning.
In kindergaten every day is given cooked fruit.
A light diet will be provided when necessary.
In case of allergy or food intolerance, parents/educators should contact the school in a timely manner and report on the situation.


APIA has educational responses to nursery and preschool groups and has about 130 children. APIA has agreements with Social Security and with the Ministry of Education.



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Entidade Reguladora: Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Centro Distrital de Lisboa UDS/NRS – Unidade de Desenvolvimento Social/Núcleo de Respostas Sociais Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 175 1069-451 Lisboa